Thursday, September 29, 2011

Be Still....

    I have a thing that sits on my desk that quotes psalm 46 and my eyes have been repeatedly drawn to it... in particular the "Be still and know that I am God" portion. I am AWEFUL at that! I stink at sitting still, I stink at resting completely. I am a mover and a doer and seem to constantly have stuff going on.
    Tomorrow is my day off and I am excited! Although I come to my day off with a long list of things I would like to get done, crocheting to do, run to take, cleaning to be done, laundry to be washed dried and put away, a doctors appointment to go to, and for some reason I keep coming back to the idea of being still. How do I just be still and know that God is God?! What does it mean in my life? I find myself wondering does it count if I am stilling my mind as I run another mile or six? I don't sit still well. Goal for tomorrow... enjoy the day, don't stress when my list doesn't get done.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The First Steps...

I have recently fallen in love with running. I know it is nuts and for those who knew me through high school and college you knew my hatred for running more than about two miles, now some how, I am in love with the 10k and half marathon distances. I love them for so many reasons.
1. It is a challenge to get in shape for each race.
2. It is a challenge that is attainable if I work at it.
3. At the end of the race you get a sweet medal (sadly for me this does motivate me some).
4. I have grown to love the way I feel after a good run and even during it (most of the time).
5. While I still love playing basketball it really isn't all the practical for staying in shape, I need to find a team and then be able to commit to being available at the same time every week, which with my call is just not possible.

My list of reasons could go on for a long time. But today I realized something. It doesn't matter what distance I am set out to run I always, always, always struggle with the same point in the run. I struggle with those first steps, the steps to get me out the door and running. Once I am going the goal will be met unless my body for some lame reason decides otherwise (which happens when I haven't drank nearly enough water or haven't gotten nearly enough sleep). I hate talking myself into starting my run, I do it to myself about three out of five runs. I don't know why. I don't know if I am afraid of not being able to reach my goal, I don't know if it is because I'd rather be getting something else done, or what my deal is. But faithfully I struggle with the first steps out the door. I give thanks for the stubbornness in me that pushes me to take those steps and go for a run. I give thanks for the people who also sign up for road races and encourage me to keep running. I give thanks for a body that likes to run. I give thanks for my ipod to accompany me along the path. I give thanks for the chance to have complete silence if that is what the day demands. I give thanks for those who challenged me and encouraged me to try running and taught me how to run.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fall/Winter Project

This fall/winter I have decided that I need to take on several projects for a few reasons:
1) it gives me a sense of variety and purpose
2) I know I'll be cooped up in a building a lot of winter so I need projects to keep me going
3) Fall/Winter always seems like a time for projects indoors when I can't be outside playing

One of my projects this fall/winter is I am going to try making a lot of different soups. I love soup but I really dislike most pre-made soups from grocery stores because I generally find them far too salty for my liking and they never quite taste quite as good as if it is homemade rather than store bought.

I started yesterday with Cheeseburger Soup. My friend Lynneskies recommended it to me originally. She said to not put in the parsley or the basil and left it out and don't think I'd put it in either after tasting the soup. It is even fabulous reheated. If you click on Cheeseburger Soup it should bring up the link with the recipe of where Lynneskies found it originally. I am already beginning to look for soup recipes for next week. I can't wait to make a variety of soups. I know it would be possible to get in a massive rut of eating sandwiches and other quick foods with my schedule so it is fun to be able to crock-pot some of the soups and some to make on the stove.

I am off to play with a very happy puppy! I love my Dakota! I have her enrolled in beginning dog training classes (I guess we are both technically taking the class) and so far it has been super fun. I love watching Dakota learn new skills and I love learning how to help her learn new skills. I am excited to see what else she will learn. While I miss my classmates at seminary, I don't really miss going to class yet (I know people say I will eventually), I am liking the ability to choose what classes I want to take and to take a wide variety of random community education classes, I am hoping to get into a crocheting class this winter since I am a self taught crocheter it would be fun to take the class, it is an hour and a half for two nights, which I think should fit into my schedule.

What about you all, do you have any fall/winter projects planned?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Beginnings & Messes

There is something absolutely beautiful about the chaos of the beginnings of things. Last night was the first night since I have been in my current call that we have had our Wednesday evening ministries in full swing. Yes, there was more than once that I wished I had the ability to make two or three of myself so I could be at several places at once. Sure was it crazy and loud and is the building a mess this morning, indeed on all accounts. But that is what a church should be, I was thinking about it last night that I love when the building is full of people and the next morning we have some picking up to do. Sure I would love it if the high schoolers didn't wad up their gum wrappers and fling them all over the room or if the choir remembered to put away their binders or if the catechism youth put their phones away for the time we are together and that they didn't find it amusing to throw the crayons at one another leaving them all over the floor. But in a sense to me I see signs of life, signs of a healthy congregation with stuff happening, with people being sent out into the world. I see signs of people gathering and celebrating, mourning, grieving, rejoicing, and attempting to hear where God is calling them.

It is like a sign that hangs (or use to back in the day) in the kitchen at camp use to say: Thank God for dirty dishes, it means we had something to eat. While it is easy to look at the mess afterwards and complain about this, that, or the other today I am choosing to look at it and see life. (I may need a reminder of this at some point down the road when I am frustrated with one group of youth or another for not picking up completely.)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

This labor day feels like a strange one to me. I feel like I should be settling down in a new place and preparing for opening worship tonight. I feel like I should be getting my books together for class tomorrow and going to see my classmates and meeting the new class. I think this is the first year since I was three that I haven't been going to school! It is a great and strange feeling. Instead I am spending my day with Dakota and Gus and Luther (I am dog sitting for a youth director in town).  I am spending my day taking pictures of the caterpillars as they go by on the sidewalk next to me. I am spending my day shutterflying my pictures into albums. I am spending my day relaxing and having a blast working on all sorts of craft projects, crocheting, and reading a book. I plan to do a little cooking and baking later today. I am loving it!