Thursday, September 20, 2012


Thanks be to God, it happened. Last night at our catechism meeting after telling all the parents that I would need them to sign up to help lead two groups due to a lack of volunteers - two people (of whom I had called several times) stepped up and volunteered. WHOOP WHOOP!!! Seriously probably doesn't sound like that big of a deal and sounds totally lame that I am this over the top exctied about it, but I really am! I couldn't have been more excited when they volunteered. Both of them had a condition that they had a couple nights they couldn't be there, I said no problem I will start working to find subs.

Seriously when volunteers stepped up I did a bit of a happy dance and wanted to hug them. I really am excited about catechism and love working with middle schoolers I just do not love trying to beg and twist arms to help out with middle school and high school ministry.

Thanks be to God for the Holy Spirit leading and guiding a couple of amazing men (the two that stepped up were on the top of my list of people who would be rockstars with helping to lead small groups) to be a part of the catechism ministry.

Any great joys in your world lately?

1 comment:

  1. Meeting a foreign teacher in the bank today when opening up an account and inviting her to the once-a-month international fellowship in our city! Such an unexpected, crazy moment. She's from Kenya and just came from Laos to China to find a job. A brave woman she is.
