Monday, November 3, 2014

AHHHHHHH..... I have missed this....

I thought for a while I was going to just ignore this blog, and I did. I knew life would be a mess however I didn't quite anticipate how the arrival of our daughter would happen. Lucy arrived 6 weeks early by C-section at 3 pounds 1 ounce and spent roughly the first month of her life in the NICU. Life has been a whirl wind, and I thought about blogging here and there, however, it didn't happen - as you well know and for a little while I toyed with the idea of deleting the blog all together, just get rid of it, and so I let it rest for a few months (or four) and lately, I have been thinking about how I actually miss this space, there is something here that I actually really enjoy, I like the chance to write and tell stories, I like the chance to post photos, I like the way it allows me to interact with a wide variety of people who I otherwise wouldn't be able to interact with.
I suppose the question is then what form will the blog take? What will I write about? That is a GREAT question, however, it always has been a blog about life and the things I give thanks for, so I suppose it will continue, I still hope to write a bunch about my sweet puppy dog, Dakota, who has a new little human bff, and the stories of the two of them already are endless. I am sure there will be stories about my birth into motherhood and the ways in which my husband and I are figuring out how to do life with a newborn/a preemie (who has her own sets of challenges), a dog, six chickens, work full time, and still love the madness we now call life. I am sure I will continue to write about races I am running - which I just sat down and figured out my race calendar (mostly) for next year, it is intense, I am not sure I am ready or if I have bit off more than I can chew. I am sure it will continue to hold some crochet projects, because I still LOVE to crochet. I am sure this space will be filled with ridiculousness and picture overload. I guess I will just continue to morph and see where this space leads me. Welcome to our madness that we call life. I hope to continue to do a monthly photo dump, and some race/fitness updates - uggg did pregnancy ruin what fitness I had and this winter needs to have some serious commitment to getting back in shape. However, falling out of shape was totally worth it - look at all these sweet baby pictures.
I am sure it will include some stories that are really only interesting to me and Lucy's grandparents - but welcome to the madness that we now get to call life. Fear not there will still be some Disney as well (I maybe going twice in 2015! Yes, it is all falling together in a little bit of a nutso way, but it will be good for sure) - so be prepared for that. Yes, we are taking Lucy with us. She has already been on many adventures including: several hotel stays, several six plus hour road trips, a four day camping trip at Itasca State Park, and so much more.
I make no promises as to how much I will post, I have no intent of posting daily but a couple or a few times a week maybe do able at this point, we will just see is really the memo. Thanks for coming back to visit. Leave me a comment, let me know you are still around, I am guessing I lost most of my followers, but slowly I will regain some people hopefully. Thanks for bearing with me in this new stage in life. 
The last two pictures are to show you how ridiculously cute Dakota is with Lucy, seriously they love each other and I often pose them in all sorts of positions to take pictures, however, Dakota does ALWAYS know where Lucy is when she is in the house and Dakota is rarely more than a few feet from her, Dakota loves to lay next to Lucy. If you follow my instagram feed (sathomson) you have probably seen most of this cuteness, however, if you haven't I am obsessed. Photography has become so much more fun - however now that she is starting to move a bit the challenge is definitely increasing.
Thanks for coming back. Hope all is well. Welcome back to the chaos and beauty of my life.


  1. I am soooo glad you came back.... :) Keep it coming!

  2. Oh friend!!! Love that you are back blogging. I've missed you in this space. That pic of Lucy and you is precious. Who am I kidding?!?! They are all precious!! Love ya friend!!

  3. Welcome back!! I'm glad I randomly checked your blog:) I think if nothing else, you will LOVE looking back at the blog to see when certain things happened, how certain things happened, etc. With crazy lives, some of those little details can so easily be forgotten:)
