Thursday, March 5, 2015

8 Months Old

Lucy is EIGHT MONTHS OLD. WHOOOP WHOOP. These monthly pictures are getting more and more challenging with each passing month - however, I am stubborn (as I fear is my sweet little girl) and I will continue - however, I make no promises on what you will get. She is now massively wiggly. SHE LOVES to play with her toes and once I get her in the onesie with her toes exposed they are all that she wants (she doesn't see her toes much these days in northern Minnesota - they are always covered by footie pjs or socks or some type of pants with feet). Some day we will once again be able to go outside and not have to worry about layering up in 12,001 layers and have to make our outdoor trek at rapid as possible.
It was a tough month around here with Lucy getting RSV as well as a massive cold and then a double ear infection. Although I must admit even given those things she was still fairly happy. She never did the pulling on the ear thing with her ear infection and despite the fever she ran for a few days she still remained pretty happy (THANK GOD). I *think* we are over it all - she still gets her nebulizer treatments a few times a day but we are working on spacing them out a bit more. I am nervous to cut them off cold turkey. Here's hoping that we are past most of this illness and we are moving onto healthier days. {I think every kid at daycare had something during this past month, Lucy getting sick was inevitable} Marc managed to get sick and stay home from work one day with a nasty cold/head/sinus deal. I also got sick for a few days but not sick enough to miss work {one day I may have considered going into work late if it hadn't been a Sunday}.
Lucy is currently rocking anywhere between 0 to 3 month clothes and 6 month clothes, if it has feet or is a one piece of any type (pjs, onesie outfits w/ full legs) she definitely needs the 6 month size because she is so long, but the width is HUGE on her. She continues to LOVE Dakota and tracks her around the room. Dakota has even taken to choosing to lay down right next to Lucy. Lucy is working on sitting up and depending on how tired she is can successfully sit for small bits of time before toppling over. She STILL isn't rolling from her back to her belly {I am convinced that if she wanted to she probably could do it she just isn't motivated enough to do it}. This month Lucy spent the night with Grandma KT while Marc and I went and spent an overnight in St. Cloud (THANKS MOM, the sleep was long overdue). Lucy continues to get up anywhere between 3 and 5 times a night to eat. Lucy LOVES daycare and loves her daycare lady as well as the other kids. Lucy also got to spend a weekend with Marc while I was on a retreat {Lucy's first time with dad for both Friday & Saturday night}. We keep exposing her to more and more foods, she does really well with them sometimes and then others she has no interest. She is still getting 99% of her nutrition through milk {which is 100% okay with me}.
Lucy LOVES taking a bath and swimming {if the pool is warm} which makes us excited for summer. Her other favorites are her Mickey Mouse stuffed animal, her stuffed baby golden retriever, a stuffed doll, her jumping/bouncy chair, little people {particularly the snow white & grumpy, the donkey & the sheep from the manger scene}, and one of my kitchen spoons. Lucy finds it hilarious still when we fake sneeze or if we have the hiccups. I anticipate any day now she will go from immobile to crawling - she is massively interested in everything that is going on around her and wants to be smack dab in the middle of it. Lucy really is a happy baby in the overall, the only things that anger her are: a wet or dirty diaper {which she will want changed AS SOON AS IT HAPPENS}, if she is hungry, or if she is being left out of the action.

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