Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The common

The question may be what makes this photo great. Well it is all just common things that I have grown to appreciate over the years.
Gladys: my MacBook who has seen so much of life and allows me to communicate with many who I love as well as gives me something fun to play on and an escape when I want it. Gladys does homework, writes sermons, edits photos, sends emails, plays music, and soooo much more.
Planner: Keeps me sane to put it mildly. I think I would lose my mind attempting to figure out where I need to be when and what needs to get done by when. On top of that it also keeps track of key dates, birthdays, anniversaries and other fun. Not to mention keeps me up to date with the lectionary.
Frozen Coffee: YUM, what else does one need to say to this. I love Panera's frozen caramel coffee.
Greek NT: I have a strange love for reading the New Testament in Greek.

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